Vol. 23 No. 1 (2024)

Editors of this Issue
Reinhold Hedtke, Bielefeld University, Germany
Jan Löfström, University of Turku, Finland
Andrea Szukala, Augsburg University, Germany
In this issue of the JSSE, the first three articles are dedicated to quite related topics and problems. They address political diversity, homogeneity and open discussion in the classroom, examine the handling of debate seeking and conflict avoidance and the focus on disagreement in the classroom as well as the strengthening of dialogical encounters through theatre in order to counteract social polarisation. Two further articles focus on other aspects. One examines an international comparison of intellectually demanding activities in social studies lessons, while the other explores the effect of participatory settings on environmental awareness and engagement. The reader can also look forward to a comparative review on democracy education and a systematic literature review on student participation