All Issues
Vol. 24 No. 1 (2025)
Editors of this Issue
Johan Sandahl, Stockholm University, Sweden
Igor Martinache, Université Paris-Nanterre, France
Jan Löfström, University of Turku, Finland
Tilman Grammes, Universität Hamburg, GermanyWe are pleased to present the first issue of 2025 with four new original articles and a country report from the Czech Republic. Less pleasing is the societal development where political, social and economic structures – and democracy itself – are being questioned by populist movements and leaders. Naturally, such upheavals in general society have consequences for Academia. In mid-March, the JSSE was informed by the US Department of Education that the current administration and the Musk-led “DOGE” are – in an attempt to reduce government spending – slashing funding for the database ERIC, where educational research from all over the world is being indexed and made available for researchers and teachers. In their budget cuts, ERIC will now stop indexing many journals, and the JSSE is among them. We are probably only at the beginning of the process where US research will become increasingly pressured to follow governmental guidelines that please the current administration.
Postcolonial social science education
Vol. 23 No. 4 (2024)Editors of this Issue
Katarina Blennow, Lund University, Sweden
Khadija Fritsch Al-Alaoui, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia
Tilman Grammes, Universität Hamburg, GermanyIn recent years, a vibrant global discourse on postcolonialism has emerged in many subdisciplines of social sciences. While the collective memory of the colonial past and its legacy in today’s global world is relatively well researched (e.g., in heritage education), issues concerning how the postcolonial condition and postcolonial perspectives affect social science education in a more narrow sense have received less attention. This issue, therefore, strives to investigate concrete instances of postcolonial encounters and experiences as well as decolonisation efforts in the present social science education.
Vol. 23 No. 3 (2024)
Editors of this Issue
Jan Löfström, University of Turku, Finland
Johan Sandahl, Stockholm University, Sweden
Andrea Szukala, Augsburg University, Germany
In this autumn issue of the JSSE, we are pleased to present five original articles. These contributions deal with social science education in different contexts and from different educational settings, reminding the reader of the heterogeneity of our common research field. Two of the articles deal with teacher training, two with considerations and understandings of teachers and one focusing on young peoples’ understanding of social issues. However, the similarities in the research contributions are also evident. All of the articles focus on the importance of inclusive, critical and balanced social science education in different ways and with different outsets. In times when democracy and human rights are being contested, it is important to highlight the role of democratic and civic education and what it can contribute with.
Change in citizenship and social science education in (post)war time
Vol. 23 No. 2 (2024)Editors of this Issue
Violetta Kopińska, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland
Mehmet Açıkalın, Istanbul University - Cerrahpaşa, Turkey
According to the Global Conflict Tracker (, there are currently 27 conflicts in the world, which vary in type and status. In contrast, the Rule of Law in Armed Conflict Online Portal (RULAC), which defines armed conflicts under international humanitarian law, indicates that it is currently monitoring more than 114 armed conflicts in the world ( Some of these conflicts are in the headlines; others are not. However, they all change the lives and functioning of people living there or those who neighbour them. How does education respond to current, future, and past armed conflicts?
Vol. 23 No. 1 (2024)
Editors of this Issue
Reinhold Hedtke, Bielefeld University, Germany
Jan Löfström, University of Turku, Finland
Andrea Szukala, Augsburg University, Germany
In this issue of the JSSE, the first three articles are dedicated to quite related topics and problems. They address political diversity, homogeneity and open discussion in the classroom, examine the handling of debate seeking and conflict avoidance and the focus on disagreement in the classroom as well as the strengthening of dialogical encounters through theatre in order to counteract social polarisation. Two further articles focus on other aspects. One examines an international comparison of intellectually demanding activities in social studies lessons, while the other explores the effect of participatory settings on environmental awareness and engagement. The reader can also look forward to a comparative review on democracy education and a systematic literature review on student participation
Vol. 22 No. 4 (2023)
Editors of this Issue
Maria Fernandes-Jesus, University of Surrey, UK
Andrea Szukala, Augsburg University, Germany
Isabel Menezes, University of Porto, Portugal
The collection of papers in this issue presents studies that address citizenship, environmental activism, and science, the significance of social and contextual factors, and the potential of education for promoting cognitive complexity and political and environmental agency. Other articles cover critical thinking and conspiracy myths in the coronavirus context, discuss assessments that allow students to demonstrate their understanding in a meaningful task while providing argumentative explanations with relevance to disciplinary and policy contexts, and analyse the influence of teachers' perception of learners' cultural capital and its consequences for teaching.
Vol. 22 No. 3 (2023)
Editors of this Issue
Reinhold Hedtke, Bielefeld University, Germany
Jan Löfström, University of Turku, Finland
Andrea Szukala, Augsburg University, Germany
This issue continues the JSSE tradition of publishing articles submitted to Open Calls once a year. Seven papers are presented, covering a wide range of topics from war narratives, trust in democracy, experiences of democracy in school, the relationship between the lifeworld and academia, young people's political participation in Portugal and Italy, to teacher training in the Basque Country.
Assessment and National Exams in Social Studies and Social Sciences
Vol. 22 No. 2 (2023)Editors of this Issue
Jan Löfström, University of Turku, Finland
David Rosendlund, Malmo University, Sweden
Birgit Weber, University of Cologne, Germany
Assessment and national exams have an ambigous function, on the one hand as instruments of New Public Management and gatekeepers for coveted social positions, but on the other hand they also can contribute to enhancing equality and fairness in education by professionalization, also in the so-called soft subjects like social studies and social sciences, even if some competences – like civic or democratic consciousness – maybe difficult to operationalise. The articles in the journal issue present different perspectives on the special theme, including the sensitiveness of instruments for measuring citizenship competence; the development of specific didactic criteria by analyzing 30 years of measurement of economic competence; the sources of influence in teachers’ decisions in assessment of students' proficiency in civics in Sweden; and the analysis of how the results in the Finnish matriculation examination correspond with the students’ performance in school social studies courses. In addition, a country report discusses the place of social studies in the Greek educational system and analyses the problems and stakes that are involved. Further, a research report from Canada analyses the financial education curriculum in Quebec, pointing out the lack of a critical view on financial issues.
Schools as securitised spaces
Vol. 22 No. 1 (2023)Editors of this IssueHazel Bryan, University of Huddersfield, GBIgor Martinache, Paris Nanterre University, FranceAndrea Szukala, Augsburg University, GermanyThe securitization of civic education and schooling is currently a major policy focus in the context of securitization, of democratic transformations and radicalization. In this issue of JSSE, we explore the state of the governance of security in schools, the technologies and justifications employed in security enactment, and the implications of this for young people and pedagogues in contemporary democracies and societies. The articles in this issue draw on a range of theoretical and empirical approaches to shed light on the challenges of a democratic civic education that does not succumb to the temptations of the securitization claim. -
Country reports
Vol. 21 No. 4 (2022)Editors of this Issue
Tilman Grammes, University of Hamburg, Germany
Reinhold Hedtke, Bielefeld University, Germany
Jan Löfström, University of Turku, Finland
With this issue, JSSE is continuing its long-standing tradition of country reports and presents papers on citizenship and social science education in Ukraine, Romania, Estonia, the United Kingdom with its four nations England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, the Netherlands and Hong Kong. These reports reveal a great deal of national diversity and show at the same time that social science education is confronted with similar problems across countries.
A contribution beyond this focus deals with economic education and students’ ideas of value.
Vol. 21 No. 3 (2022)
Editors of this Issue
Reinhold Hedtke, Bielefeld University, Germany
Jan Löfström, University of Turku, Finland
Andrea Szukala, Augsburg University, Germany
This issue presents articles taken from the ongoing, thematically open call. The topics cov-ered include the association of individual pupil’s performance in citizenship knowledge with the language ability of his/her classroom peers, a model of an output-driven approach in schools for improving citizenship competences, the impact of teaching with popular TV series on students’ interest in and knowledge of politics, a case study on democratizing schools through direct participation of students and a country report on social science education and its expansion in Sweden.
Economic Education: Its past, present and future
Vol. 21 No. 2 (2022)Editors of this Issue
Jan Löfström, University of Turku, Finland
Birgit Weber, University of Cologne, Germany
This issue publishes five articles on economic education and two open calls articles. They cover a range of topics from conceptual debate to empirical analyses. The articles on economic education discuss following topics: the promise and outline of ‘powerful knowledge’ in economic education; the use of scientific economics terminology and its conversion into everyday-language in Swedish secondary level textbooks; the use and limitations of models in economic education; the changes and internal contradictions in economic education in Russia in the 21st century; and the diversity of didactic approaches in teaching globalisation. The two open call articles discuss an instrument for observing communicative quality in the Social Studies classroom; and the ethical problem of teachers obstructing transformational learning in exchanges between refugee-students and non-refugee students on questionable premises of ‘protecting’ the refugee-students.
Vol. 21 No. 1 (2022)
Editor of this Issue
Reinhold Hedtke, Bielefeld University, Germany
This issue publishes articles submitted to the open call. Topics covered include political participation in real life and in school, the difficulties of foreign language learning in social studies for migrants, the use of material features in the contestation of belonging and exclusion from citizenship, and the treatment of contemporary historical controversies and their dependence on teachers' epistemic beliefs. This is followed by texts on the topics of games, innovativeness education and the European dimension of education.
Classroom ethnography and rituals in schools
Vol. 20 No. 4 (2021)Editors of this Issue
Katarina Blennow, Lund University, Sweden
Hana Cervinkova, Maynooth University, Ireland
Tilman Grammes, University of Hamburg, Germany
This special issue is dedicated to ethnographies of social science education in schools across Europe. Contributions included in the volume reflect the diverse legacies of school and classroom ethnography in Austria, England, Germany, Norway, Poland, Spain and Sweden. The authors follow different disciplinary and national traditions in the development and use of ethnographic methodologies. They build on anthropological, sociological and educational research from different European and American schools of thought, but their contributions, based on first-hand observations, share a commitment to understanding how everyday school-based practices connect to and illuminate sociocultural and political processes.
Teacher training
Vol. 20 No. 3 (2021)Editors of this Issue
Olga Bombardelli, University of Trento, Italy
Reinhold Hedtke, Bielefeld University, Germany
Birgit Weber, University of Cologne, Germany
This issue presents a varied set of papers on teacher training in the domain of social science education. Teachers play a vital role in education and have significant influence on the learning success and on pupils' development. Therefore, concepts, practices and effectiveness of teacher education for citizenship education are an important subject of research, especially for teaching social science with its high demands of knowledge, skills, responsibility and reflexivity. The papers of this issue cover a broad range of conceptual and empirical research on the education of professional educators in different countries.
Citizenship and Civic Education for Refugees and Migrants
Vol. 20 No. 2 (2021)Editors of this Issue
Mehmet Acikalin, Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa, Turkey
Olga Bombardelli, University of Trento, Italy
Gina Chianese, University of Trieste, Italy
In this special issue entitled “Citizenship and Civic education for Refugees and Migrants” we are presenting articles that discuss several important aspects of citizenship education dealing with migration and inclusion in the hosting countries. One article that shows examples of good practices for teaching about migration also included in this issue. Finally, we have one article from a country outside Europe, that show struggle of Bangladesh government dealing with the educational needs of refugees from Rohingya. We also present one book review about the special issue topic and one open call article about Israeli people’s attitudes toward teaching controversial political issues in school.
Vol. 20 No. 1 (2021)
Editor of this Issue
Reinhold Hedtke, Bielefeld University, Germany
The current issue presents papers on civic and political participation of the youth in European countries, on the economic education of economics teachers in Austria, and on epistemic practices in Swedish economics classrooms fostered by different tools of presentation. Further papers deal with the impact of different notions of democracy on educational policy in the Netherlands against the backdrop of neoliberalism and educational quantification and with the attitudes of social studies teachers in Turkey towards multicultural education. By publishing open topic issues once a year, the JSSE welcomes papers on a greater variety of objects of research and of current problems of social science education beyond a frame predefined by a thematic call for papers.
Global education at crossroads
Vol. 19 No. 4 (2020)Editors of this Issue
Dalila P. Coelho, University of Porto, Portugal
João Caramelo, University of Porto, Portugal
Mehmet Açıkalın, Istanbul University - Cerrahpasa, Turkey
This edition of JSSE is dedicated to global education in Europe, and discusses challenges faced by this field based on the contribution of critical, postcolonial and decolonial perspectives. The authors explore how the influence of historical legacies and systemic issues, the role and challenges of pedagogical experiences and teacher training regarding issues like colonialism, peace, human rights and sustainable development, and also alternative research methodologies in global education. The texts included in this issue exemplify several “crossroads” faced by global education, at the epistemological and conceptual levels, as well as pedagogical, methodological and political.
Vol. 19 No. 3 (2020)
Editor of this Issue
Reinhold Hedtke, Bielefeld University, Germany
The current issue presents papers on economic education and financial literacy, the concept of a post-dogmatic higher education, teaching practice of establishing a democracy on different theoretical framings, training of students in complex content related argumentation, Human Rights Education as creating children’s own space for autonomy and agency and a narrative approach to explain the continuity of antisemitism. By publishing open topic issues once a year, the JSSE welcomes papers on a greater variety of objects of research and of current problems of social science education beyond a frame of questions and content predefined by a thematic call for papers.
Special Issue: COVID-19 pandemic and social science education
Vol. 19 No. SI (2020)Editor of this Issue
Tilman Grammes, University of Hamburg, Germany
“If I protect myself - I can protect you. Together, we can do it!” There is hardly a sentence that better illustrates the effects of social distancing during COVID-19 pandemic on social education and the underlying assumptions than this slogan, seen in a public school. From a later point of view, the current COVID-19 pandemic and global crises could be regarded as nothing short of a controlled educational crisis experiment with online distance learning. To initiate discussion on such effects during and immediately after the COVID-19 lockdown, JSSE is proud to publish three initial articles. They represent rubrics of our journal: essay, case study and a country report, and address educational theory, didactics as the more inner aspect (“software”) and educational sociology as the more outer aspect (“hardware”) of teaching and learning. A current call for papers (JSSE 2021-4) on classroom ethnography invites to further contribute to these questions more in depth.
Research and impact in social sciences education
Vol. 19 No. 2 (2020)Editors of this Issue
Andrea Szukala, University of Münster
Ian Davies, University of York, United Kingdom
Researchers explore and create knowledge, often with the intention (directly or indirectly) of facilitating change. In this edition of JSSE, we explore the interconnections between research and impact in social sciences education. The articles included in this edition emerge from work undertaken in 8 countries, across several age related phases of schooling and in professional development contexts. The authors explore the role of research illuminated through consideration of philosophical perspectives, power-dynamics in academic and political contexts and the nature of curricular and pedagogical innovation. There is reflection not only on the impact of educational interventions as revealed by research but also regarding the extent to which change may be achieved through research.
Outlining Similarities and Differences in Civics Education in Europe
Vol. 19 No. 1 (2020)Editors of this Issue
Jan Löfström, University of Turku, Finland
Tilman Grammes, University of Hamburg, Germany
This issue of JSSE contains detailed reports about the current situation of social science or social studies in the following countries (listed from East to West): Russia, Hungary, Poland, Norway, Denmark, Germany, France and Spain.
In the editorial, Jan Löfström (Turku, Finland) and Tilman Grammes (Hamburg, Germany) highlight significant similarities and differences among the countries in the organisation and objectives of teaching and learning in the subject(s) related to social sciences. The diversity of curricular solutions and national traditions is considerable, yet there is also a lot that is shared and common between the countries. In conclusion, the idea of a European association of social science education is raised.
As usual, all country reports have passed a strict double blind peer review, and co-experts from domestic and abroad have checked factual correctness as well as comprehensibility for foreign readers. The country reports aim to facilitate researchers’ access to colleagues, journals, professional associations and current educational polices in the respective countries. They want to inspire further comparative research and cooperation.
JSSE constantly welcomes country reports, especially from countries that are still white spots in JSSE publication list, like Belgium, Czech Republic, Belarus, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldavia, or Ukraine. Updates of older reports due to current developments in educational policies are welcome as well.
Participation in Non-Formal Education and Community Education - Implications for Civic and Political Capital
Vol. 18 No. 4 (2019)Editors of this Issue
João Caramelo, University of Porto, Portugal
Camilla Fitzsimons, Maynooth University, Irland
Isabel Menezes, University of Porto, Portugal
This issue of the JSSE aims to address how non-formal and community education experiences might contribute to the civic and political identities and experiences of children, youth, adults and seniors. Even if education is for long recognized as a key predictor of civic and political engagement and participation, it is also true that both educational policy and research seem to privilege the impact of formal education. This special issue seeks to shine a light on practices of non-formal and community education, by exploring whether and how they relate to civic and political participation.
European Citizenship Education: Business as Usual or Time for Change?
Vol. 18 No. 3 (2019)Editors of this Issue
Olga Bombardelli, University of Trento, Italy
Reinhold Hedtke, Bielefeld University, Germany
This issue of the Journal of Social Science Education is devoted to European citizenship education (ECE). The editors wonder whether it is business as usual or time for change and conceptually and empirically explore some key aspects of the ECE question, providing proposals, answers and highlighting where further discussions and actions are needed.
Vol. 18 No. 2 (2019)
Editor of this Issue
Reinhold Hedtke, Bielefeld University, Germany
This issue of the Journal of Social Science Education does not contribute to a single featured topic, but it offers a range of very interesting research. It ranges from financial literacy and financial education to digital media use and development education or global education.
National Holidays and other Socio-Political Rituals in Schools
Vol. 18 No. 1 (2019)Editors of this Issue
Jane Lo, Florida State University, USA
Mehmet Acikalin, Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa, Turkey
Tilman Grammes, University of Hamburg, Germany
Socio-political rituals are often used in society to help promote group solidarity and identity. In this issue, we focus on rituals as formalized, symbolic performances that are purposefully incorporated in school experiences as a kind of self-management of cultures. National holidays and rituals reveal core fundamental aspects of a society or nation, especially when they are celebrated in an educational context.
Language and Citizenship Education: Discussion, Deliberation and Democracy
Vol. 17 No. 4 (2018)Editors of this Issue
Beatrice Szczepek Reed , King's College London, GB
Ian Davies, University of York, GB
In this issue of JSSE ideas and issues about citizenship education and its connection with language are explored. It emphasizes the contested nature of characterisations of language and education. The editors allowed for the possibility of a consideration of issues using insights from a range of academic disciplines and areas (e.g. political science; psychological perspectives; international studies; sociology etc.).
Pluralist Thinking in Economic and Socioeconomic Education
Vol. 17 No. 3 (2018)Editor of this Issue
Reinhold Hedtke, Bielefeld University, Germany
For more than ten years, pluralism in economics and in the education of economists has been a hot issue. This thematic issue of the JSSE addresses phenomena, findings, problems and educa-tional approaches of economic plurality and pluralism in economic research at different levels and in different contexts of the educational system. The Issue focuses on teaching and learning in schools and on teacher education at universities and colleges of teacher training.
European Identity and Citizenship in Textbooks and Educational Media
Vol. 17 No. 2 (2018)Editors of this Issue
Pedro Ferreira, University of Porto, Portugal
Cinzia Albanesi, University of Bologna, Italy
Isabel Menezes, University of Porto, Portugal
This special issue is devoted to the analysis of how textbooks and educational media frame citizenship education in secondary schools in the European context. It includes five empirical papers that contribute to a better understanding of the role of educational policies and curricula in promoting (or not) young EU citizens’ engagement, participation and active citizenship.
School Democracy and Increased Student Diversity
Vol. 17 No. 1 (2018)Editor of this Issue
Trond Solhaug, University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway
This special issue addresses democratic topics of school- and classroom-climate, sexual diversity and its acceptance in school, the role of criticality in citizenship, and human rights education, and finally, a paper on the role of emotions.
4-2013 Citizenship and Civic Education in Postcommunist Countries
Editors: Timofey Agarin, Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski
Contributors: Simona Szakács, Emilian Colceru, Helga Zichner, Jennifer Bruen, Stanisław Konopacki, Ping Ren
3-2013 Education and Citizenship in Latin America
Editors: Tristan McCowan, Leonel Pérez Expósito
Contributors: Patricia Oliart, Yolima Ivonne Beltrán Villamizar, Mayra Juliana Galvis Aparicio, Gabriel Felipe Vargas Beltrán, Abelardo León, Marika Tsolakis, Lucicleia Barreto Queiroz, Isabel Menezes, Ivette Hernandez, Ralph Ings Bannell, Elsie Rockwell
2-2013: Crisis and Economic Education in Europe
Editors: Birgit Weber, Hans Jürgen Schlösser
Contributors: Shintaro Abe, Tadayoshi Asano, Marko van den Berg, Despoina Bousiou-Makridou, Ana Breda, Abigail Ferreira, Agnieszka Jeziorki, Alain Legardez, Jan Lofström, Roman Lutz, Ewald Mittelstaedt, Marco Rehm, Günther Seeber, Sandra Speer, Iraklis Pliakis, Stavros Tsopoglou, Doris Valente, Celeste Varum, Michael Weyland, Claudia Wiepcke, Michio Yamaoka
1-2013: Youth Civic & Political Participation & Citizenship Education in the Mediterranean: Lessons from the Arab Spring
Editors: Isabel Menezes, Ibrahim Makkawi
Contributors: James Youniss, Brian K. Barber, Rhett M. Billen, Amna Abdullatif, José Soeiro, Xenia Chryssochoou, Stamos Papastamou, Gerasimos Prodromitis, Andreas Jacobs, Claudia Gross, Henrique Vaz, Irina Ilisei, Bulent Tarman, Mehmet Fatih Yigit, Dominik Allenspach, Ilo Trajkovski, Ping Ren
4-2012: Educations for ... in French Language Context: What Contribution of the Social Sciences?
Editors: Jean Simonneaux, Nicole Tutiaux-Guillon, Alain Legardez
Contributors: Sylvain Doussot, Nathalie Richit, Angela Barthes, Agnieszka Jeziorski, Louis LeVasseur, Jean-François Cardin, Nathalie Panissal, Emmanuelle Brossais
3-2012: Citizenship and Community
Editors: Ian Davies, Gillian Hampden Thompson, Maria Tsouroufli, Vanita Sundaram, Pippa Lord, Jennifer Jeffes, George Bramley
Contributors: Lynne Parmenter, Alistair Ross, Corinne Wyss, Alexander Loetscher, Paul Warwick, Hilary Cremin, Tom Harrison, Carolynne Mason, Don Rowe, Nicola Horsley, Tony Breslin, Tony Thorpe, Ian Davies, Pedro D. Ferreira, Joaquim L. Coimbra, Isabel Menezes, Graham Pike, Gary Clemitshaw, Andrew Peterson
2-2012: Different Cultures in Education for Democracy and Citizenship
Editor: Tilman Grammes
Contributors: Matti Rautiainen, Pekka Räihä, Norio Ikeno, Andrea Szukala, Ingo Lokies, Sammoray Julia, Christian Welniak, Benita Blessing, Henning Schluss, Silja Graupe, Liu Changqing
1-2012: Comparative Studies of Civic and Citizenship Education
Editors: Anu Toots, Saskia De Groof, Dimokritos Kavadias
Contributors: Maria Magdalena Isac, Ralf Maslowski, Greetje van der Werf, Kerry John Kennedy, Xiaorui Huang, Joseph Kui Foon Chow, Carolyn Barber, Judith Torney-Purta, Tit Neubauer, Leif Kalev, Mari-Liis Jakobson
4-2011: Critical Civic & Citizenship Education
Editors: Isabel Menezes, Tatjana Zimenkova
Contributors: Hugo Monteiro, Pedro Daniel Ferreira, Georgi Dimitrov, Kenan Çayır, Nathalie Muller Mirza, Jukka Rantala, Bettina Lösch, Oyeleke Oluniyi, Dominik Allenspach
3-2011: Social Science Literacy II: In Search for Basic Competences and Basic Concepts for Testing and Diagnosing
Editor: Birgit Weber
Contributors: Bettina Zurstrassen, KimMarie McGoldrick, Janice Peterson, Carolin Kölzer, Klaas Macha, Michael Schuhen, Felix Fenske, Andreas Klee, Andreas Lutter, Andrea Szukala, Irena Zaleskene
2-2011: Praise of Difference: Dealing with Heterogeneity in Socio-Scientific Education
Editors: Volker Bank, Ilona Ebbers, Andreas Fischer
Contributors: Josef Strasser, Klarissa Lueg, Štepánka Busuleanu, Oxana Ivanova-Chessex, Barbara Drinck, Franziska Birke, Günther Seeber, Matthias Busch, Konrad Götz, Matthias Busch, Konrad Götz
1-2011: Patriotism, Nationalism, Citizenship and Beyond
Editor: Tilman Grammes
Contributors: Laurance J. Splitter, Takahiro Kondo, Xiaoyan Wu, Albena Hranova, Mehmet Açıkalın, Elisabeth Fuhrmann, Ruud Veldhuis
4-2010: Social Science Literacy I: In Search for Basic Competences and Basic Concepts for Testing and Diagnosing
Editor: Birgit Weber
Contributors: Jan Löfström, Arja Virta, Marko van den Berg, Liliana Maggioni, Emily Fox, Patricia A. Alexander, Jean Simonneaux, Alain Legardez, Bernd Remmele, Andreas Petrik, Frank Reichert
3-2010: Qualitative Research – Voices from Civic Education Classrooms
Editor: Tilman Grammes
Contributors: Per-Olof Erixon, Beatrice Buergler, Jan Hodel, Andreas Eis, Andreas Petrik, Sara Irisdotter Aldenmyr, Rudolf Engelhardt, Rudolf Engelhardt, Horst Leps, Anu Toots
2-2010: Civic and Economic Education and the Current Financial Crisis II
Editor: Thorsten Hippe
Contributors: Gertraude Mikl-Horke, Walter Otto Ötsch, Jakob Kapeller, Mary Koutselini, Udo Reifner, Anne Schelhowe, Michael Schuhen, Elisabeth Chatel
1-2010: Civic and Economic Education and the Current Financial Crisis I
Editor: Reinhold Hedtke
Contributors: Thorsten Hippe, Christoph Deutschmann, Tim Engartner, Peter Bendixen, Dirk Loerwald, Thomas Retzmann, Andreas Klee, Andreas Lutter, Matthias Busch, Tilman Grammes, Kjetil Børhaug, Nadine Malich
4-2009: Sociology? Who needs it?
Editors: Reinhold Hedtke, Tatjana Zimenkova
Contributors: Bettina Zurstrassen, Vjeran Katunaric´, Lieke Meijs, Ariana Need, Aladin El-Mafaalani, Georgi Dimitrov, Elena Stoykova, Elisabeth Chatel, Marianne Papke, Maria Olson
3-2009: Nachhaltigkeit und fachdidaktische Herausforderungen/Sustainability
Editors: Andreas Fischer
Contributors: Jürgen Deuschle, Marco Sonnberger, Frank Skrzipietz, Ulrike Greb, Stefan Schaltegger, Holger Petersen, Marlen Arnold, Volker Barth, Tim Engartner
2-2009: Ausbildungsdidaktiken: Lehrerausbildung Didaktik Sozialwissenschaften/Educating Social Science Educators
Editors: Tilman Grammes
Contributors: Sibylle Reinhardt, Bettina Zurstrassen, Anja Besand, Andreas Petrik, Niklas Eklund, Anna Larsson, Peter Davies, Anselm Cypionka, Heike Hornbruch, Waltraud Kallenbach, Matthias Busch
2-2008 + 1-2009: Making Politics Visible
Number 2-2008 and 1-2009 are published as one issue.
Editors: Anja Besand, Christoph Bieber
Contributors: Benjamin Drechsel, Diana Owen, Patrick Rössler, Renate Müller, Marc Calmbach, Stefanie Rhein, Ralf Adelmann, Kathleen Arendt, Claudia Raabe, Michael Wehner, Sebastian Reinkunz, Isabel Flory, Flooh Perlot, Peter Rauch, Nina Mahrt
1-2008: Transformation and Citizenship Education II
Editor: Reinhold Hedtke
Contributors: Reinhold Hedtke, Tatjana Zimenkova, Thorsten Hippe, Georgi Dimitrov, Janez Krek, Mojca Kovač Šebart, Tatjana Zimenkova, Calin Rus, Karel Haav, Cristina N. Azevedo, Isabel Menezes
2-2007: Transformation and Citizenship Education I
Editor: Reinhold Hedtke
Contributors: Tatjana Zimenkova, Thorsten Hippe, Anna Radiukiewicz, Izabela Grabowska-Lusinska, Gonzalo Jover, Concepción Naval, K. Peter Fritzsche, Kenan Çayır, İpek Gürkaynak, Tulin Sener, Sibylle Reinhardt, Helena C. Araújo, Bernard Crick
1-2007: Europe as an Educational Framework: Cultures, Values and Dialogues
Editors: Concepción Naval, Carolina Ugarte
Contributors: Marianna Papastephanou, Javier Vergara, Mendo Castro Henriques, Piermarco Aroldi, Fausto Colombo, Luisa Ribolzi, Enrique Banús, Stavroula Philippou, Charo Sádaba
4-2006: Disciplinarity and Interdisciplinarity in Civic and Economic Education
Editor: Reinhold Hedtke
Contributors: Julie Thompson Klein, Yves Lenoir, François Audigier, Jasmin Godemann, Peter Davies, Richard Dunnill, Katrin Späte, Peter Filzmaier, Cornelia Klepp, Concepción Naval, Gonzalo Jover
3-2006: Bildungsstandards und wirtschaftsberufliche Bildung - Konzeption und Reflexion im (inter-)nationalen Vergleich
Contributors: Andreas Fischer, Volker Bank (eds.), Günter Seeber, Matthias Pilz, Dietmar Frommberger
2-2006: Ästhetik/Entrepreneurship
Contributors: Anja Besand, Bernd Clausen, Ludwig Duncker, Matthias Fink, Nicole Bösch, Thomas Kaniuth, Dagmar Richter, Dirk Eickelmann, Reinhard Schulte, Sabine Boerner, Helmut Keller
1-2006: International Perspectives of Human Rights Education (HRE)
Editors: Felisa Tibbitts, Peter Fritzsche
Contributors: Gloria Ramirez, Nils Rosemann, Anja Mihr, Lothar Krappmann, Cristina Sganga, Andre Keet , Nazir Carrim, Ulrike Niens, Jackie Reilly, Alan Smith, Malin Oud, Claudia Lohrenscheit, Bert Verstappen
3-2005: European Year of Citizenship through Education
Editors: Cesar Birzea, Bruno Losito, Ruud Veldhuis (eds.),
Contributors: Barbara Malak-Minkiewicz, Judith Torney-Purta, Carolyn Barber, Cesar Birzea, Maria-Helena Salema, Ted Huddleston, Wojciech Starzyński
2-2005: Gender Issues and Social Science Education
Editor: Mechtild Oechsle
Contributors: Madeleine Arnot, Karin Wetterau, Katrin Späte, Eva Cyba, Brigitte Young, Carmen Leccardi, Christian Boeser
1-2005: Migration
Editor: Frank-Olaf Radtke
Contributors: Michael Bommes, Sigrid Luchtenberg, Volker Hinnenkamp, Marta López-Jurado Puig, Birgit Weber
2-2004: Constructivism
Editor: Andreas Fischer
Contributors: Gerhard Gerdsmeier, Britta Goeckede, Rolf Dubs, Horst Siebert, Peter Bendixen, Bärbel Völkel, Thomas Retzmann
1-2004: Best Practice Lessons and Lesson Study
Editor: Tilman Grammes
Contributors: Hans Christoph Berg, Andreas Petrik, Horst Leps, Catherine Lewis, Wolfgang Hilligen
2-2003: Country Reports
Editor: Reinhold Hedtke
Contributors: David Kerr, Ian Abbott, Isabel Menezes, Concepción Naval, Murray Print, Concepción Iriarte, Marjan Šimenc, Ilo Trajkovski, Bruno Losito, Katharina Liebsch
1-2003: Civic Education
Editor: Christa Händle, Peter Henkenborg
Contributors: Rolf Mikkelsen, Isabel Menezes, Madalena Mendes, Carla Ferreira, Georgina Marques, Conceiçã Monteiro, Joana Gião, Rosa Afonso, Gertrudes Amaro, Constantinos Papanastasiou, Mary Koutselini, Elena Papanastasiou, Suzanne Mellor, Detlef Oesterreich, Gita Steiner-Khamsi
2-2002: Civic and Economic Education in Europe
Editor: Reinhold Hedtke
Contributors: François Audigier, Nicole Tutiaux-Guillon, Birgit Weber, Christa Händle, Gitsa Kontogiannopoulou-Polydorides, Maria Ntelikou, Georgia Papadopoulou, Bessy Tsakmaki, Despina Bousiou, Stavros Tsopoglou, Klaus Koopmann
1-2002: Globalisation
Editor: Reinhold Hedtke
Contributors: Rainer Trinczek, Lutz Zündorf, Susanne Popp, Eberhard Jung, Ingo Juchler, Peter Davies, Peter Filzmaier, Christian Sitte, Hennig J. Schluss, Holger Meeh
2-2001: Welche ökonomische Bildung wollen wir? (sowi-onlinejournal)
You can find the articles from this issue of sowie-onlinejournal (preceding title of JSSE) at: -
1-2001: Ökonomische und politische Bildung – (k)ein schwieriges Verhältnis? (sowi-onlinejournal)
You can find the articles from this issue of sowie-onlinejournal (preceding title of JSSE) at: -
1-2000: Nachhaltigkeit (sowi-onlinejournal)
You can find the articles from this issue of sowie-onlinejournal (preceding title of JSSE) at: -
0-2000: Reform der Lehrerbildung? (sowi-onlinejournal)
You can find the articles of the pilot issue of sowie-onlinejournal (preceding title of JSSE) at: