Exploring the implementation gap in citizenship education: An analysis of policy processes from a post-colonial perspective





implementation gap, citizenship education, policy processes, post-colonial perspective, Brazil



- Brazilian case study analyses the implementation gap in Citizenship Education Policies (CEP)

- A post-colonial perspective is employed to overcome Western democratic ideals in CEP

- Five key policy processes are examined as factors influencing the implementation gap in CEP

- A clear citizenship concept and modelling learning activities contribute to reducing the gap

- Challenges include top-down approaches, external disincentives, and policy misinterpretations

Purpose: This paper explores the implementation gap in CEP using a post-colonial perspective, focusing on a case study in Brazil.

Methodological approach: By employing a qualitative case study approach, semi-structured interviews with frontline educators are applied. Responses were analysed using content analysis with a descriptive design.

Findings: Five key policy processes are identified, yet two – a clear citizenship concept and modelling learning activities – largely contribute to reducing the gap. The remaining three processes – citizenship education as a cross-curricular subject, professional development, and pedagogical resource accessibility – can affect the gap. However, these three can be hindered due to disincentives to implement and other challenges that arise at the frontline level.

Research limitations: The case study may not be generalisable due to the evidence available and considering the regional context.

Practical implications: Insights from the study can aid in developing more inclusive and effective CEP, particularly in post-colonial settings.


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How to Cite

Barretos, M., & Amaral, I. (2025). Exploring the implementation gap in citizenship education: An analysis of policy processes from a post-colonial perspective. JSSE - Journal of Social Science Education, 24(1). https://doi.org/10.11576/jsse-6984



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