Economic Education Research: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Research, Directions and Trends in the Past Decades


  • Celeste Varum
  • Abigail Ferreira
  • Ana Breda



With the crisis that has taken place from 2007 became clear that knowledge about economic issues is essential to address the increasingly complex day-by-day dynamics. Not surprisingly the theme of economics education enjoyed a clear revival, reflected also in the academic publications. This paper systematizes the existing literature, which is a necessary step in developing the field. For researchers, this review also supports the definition of a future research agenda. For practitioners, it provides an outline of the literature in this area, raising awareness to the diverse aspects of economic literacy.

Author Biographies

Celeste Varum

Celeste Varum ( is Assistant Professor at the University of Aveiro. She holds a PhD in Economics and an MSc. in International Business and Economic Integration from the University of Reading (UK) , and Degree in Economics from the University of Èvora, Portugal. Conducts research in economics and international business and issues related to economic literacy. She coordinates the Project Economicando, a research project financed by FCT, dedicated to the dissemination of economics among children. She is member of the research unit GOVCOPP.

Abigail Ferreira

Abigail Ferreira ( holds a master degree and a degree (licenciatura) in Economics from the University of Aveiro. Currently she is Graduate Assistant Professor at the University of Cape Vert (UNICV), where she teaches in fields of Economics, Accounting and Finance. In the past, she was Research Assistant in the “Economicando” Project at the Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering, University of Aveiro. Her main areas of research are in Economics Education, Economic Literacy and Teaching Economics.

Ana Breda

Ana  Breda ( is an Associate Professor with habilitation of the University of Aveiro and Coordinator of the Geometrix Project (an interdisciplinary project, aggregating computer scientists, graphic designers and educators, whose aim is the development of new virtual and interactive learning environments). Ana Breda is a member of the Algebra and Geometry Group of the Research Centre in Mathematics and Applications-CIDMA. As a researcher, she is the author of several publications in the areas of geometry, combinatorics and mathematics education.


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How to Cite

Varum, C., Ferreira, A., & Breda, A. (2012). Economic Education Research: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Research, Directions and Trends in the Past Decades. JSSE - Journal of Social Science Education, 12(2).