Meta-reflexivity and epistemic cognition in social science teacher education




meta-reflexivity, epistemic cognition, epistemic reflexivity, reflective practice, social science teacher education


Keywords: meta-reflexivity, epistemic reflexivity, epistemic cognition, reflective

practice, social science teacher education

  • Social science requires a meta-reflexive approach to teacher education
  • Social science teachers manage subject-specific reflective demands
  • Meta-reflexivity can be conceptualized using epistemic cognition frameworks
  • Epistemic cognition frameworks expand on social science education competence models
  • Epistemic cognition gives a new perspective on reflective practice in social science education

Purpose: This article argues that in social science teacher education general demands for teacher reflection overlap with subject-specific reflective demands. This calls for conceptual frameworks that account for an extended reflectivity, encompassing both teacher reflection and the subject-specific approach to representing controversial issues.

Approach: Concepts of reflective practice and meta-reflexivity in teacher education are presented, and a discussion is provided regarding the challenges inherent in teaching social sciences as a multidisciplinary subject. Furthermore, aspects of meta-reflectivity are identified in a German teacher competence framework (PKP). To enable a broader analysis, frameworks from the field of epistemic cognition are introduced.

Findings: Utilizing frameworks of epistemic cognition enables a detailed investigation of how social science teachers manage subject-specific challenges. Epistemic reflexivity offers a concept of teacher reflection that enables a new perspective on connecting theoretical reflection in pre-service teacher education programs with later reflective practice.

Author Biography

Marcus Kindlinger, School of Human and Social Sciences, University of Wuppertal

Marcus Kindlinger is a research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences at the University of Wuppertal. He is interested in reflection and reflectivity in teacher education and in the social sciences.


  • Abstract
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How to Cite

Kindlinger, M. (2021). Meta-reflexivity and epistemic cognition in social science teacher education. JSSE - Journal of Social Science Education, 20(3).



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