Country Reports

The country reports aim to facilitate researchers’ access to colleagues, journals, professional associations and current educational polices in the respective countries. They want to inspire further comparative research and cooperation.


Filzmaier, Peter. (2002). Civic Education in Austria

Filzmaier, Peter. (2002). Politische Bildung in Österreich

Filzmeier et al. (2006). Civic Education as an Interdisciplinary Subject in Austria- A Review

Sitte, Christian. (2002). Wirtschaftliche und politische Bildung in österreichischen Schulen 


Hranova, Albena. (2011). History Education and Civic Education: The Bulgarian Case


Turk, Marko. (2022). Twenty-five years of the European dimension in education in Croatia: Research origins, theoretical deficiencies, and the future development pathway


Philippou, Stavroula. (2007). On the Borders of Europe. Citizenship Education and Identity in Cyprus


Hansen, Mogens.(2019). Social Studies in Denmark - A country report

Malich, Nadine. (2010). Die internationale Finanzkrise als Thema im dänischen Wirtschaft-/Politikunterricht


Abbott, Ian. (2003). Economic Education in England

Kerr, David. (2003). Citizenship Education in England: The Making of a New Subject

Jerome, Britton, Emerson, James, Milliken, Sant. (2022). United Kingdom: Citizenship education in the United Kingdom: Comparing England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales 


Haav, Karel (2018). European Identity and Citizenship in Estonia: Analyses of Textbooks and Theoretical Developments 

Kunitsõn, Kalev, Ulla. (2022). Estonia: Civics and citizenship education in Estonia: Policy design, normatives, and practices 


Löfström, Jan. (2019). A Yhteiskuntaoppi: Social studies in Finland. A country report


Audigier, François. (2002). L'éducation civique dans l'école française (Citizenship Education in French School)

Busch et al. (2016). “Mobilising for the Values of the Republic”- France's Education Policy Response to the “Fragmented Society”: A Commented Press Review 

Chatel, Elisabeth. (2010). Economics as a Social Science in French lycées :A Programme Shaped by the Evolution of a School Discipline

Martinache et al. (2020). The merchant, the scientist and the citizenThe competing approaches of social science education in the French high school

Straub et al.(2019) Social science education in France – A fragmented educational landscape in transition


Blessing et al. (2012) Civics Courses in the German Democratic Republic (GDR): A Case Study in the History of Curriculum and Educational Research

Händle, Christa. (2002). The Burden of History? Civic Education at German Schools

JSSE. (2006). Deutsche Gesellschaft für ökonomische Bildung: Kompetenzen der ökonomischen Bildung für allgemein bildende Schulen

JSSE. (2006). Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppe BHTW: Kerncurriculum Lernbereich Beruf – Haushalt – Technik – Wirtschaft (Arbeitslehre – Sekundarstufe I 2006).

Kenner, Steve. (2019).Politische Bildung. Citizenship Education in Germany from marginalization to new challenges

Liebsch, Katharina. (2003). Geschlechterperspektiven in der Fachdidaktik (Rezension)

Weber, Birgit. (2002). Economic Education in Germany


Bousiou et al. (2002). Economic Education in Greece at the High School Level

Karakatsani, Fragkoulidou. (2023). The place of civic education in the Greek education system: Problems, inconsistencies, contradictions and stakes

Hong Kong

Koon. (2022). Hong Kong: Understanding liberal studies in Hong Kong: Vehicle for civic education and its controversies 


Dancs et al. (2020) Past and present of social science education in Hungary


Bombardelli et al. (2017). Country Reåort: Civic and Citizenship Education in Italy: Thousands of Fragmented Activities Looking for a Systematization

Losito, Bruno. (2003). Civic Education in Italy: Intended Curriculum and Students' Opportunity to Learn 


Zaleskene, Irena. (2012). Citizenship Education: Lithuanian Mapping 


Mickovska-Raleva, Ana. (2019). To What Extent do Civic Education Curricula and Textbooks Establish Foundations for Developing Active Citizens in theRepublic of Macedonia?

Trajkovski, Ilo. (2003). The Place and the Role of Civic Education in the Republic of Macedonia 


De Groot, Daas, Nieuwelink. (2022). Netherlands: Education for democratic citizenship in Dutch schools: A bumpy road 


Oluniyi, Oyeleke. (2011). Citizenship Education and Curriculum Development in Nigeria 


Børhaug, Kjetil.(2010). Norwegian Civic Education – Beyond Formalism?

Solhaug et al. (2019). Social studies (Samfunnsfag) education in Norway – a country report


Kopinska, Violetta. (2019).Country Report: Civic and Citizenship Education in Polish School

Radiukiewicz et al. (2007). Education for Democratic Citizenship in Poland


Menezes, Isabel. (2003). Civic Education in Portugal: Curricular Evolutions in Basic Education


Sava, Fartusnic, Nicoleta-Ancuța. (2022). Romania: Continuity and innovation in the civics and social education curriculum


Linchenko et al. (2019). Social science education in Russia: between civic responsibility and the reality of life


Sulikova, Jana (2016). Unintended Revelations in History Textbooks: The Precarious Authenticity and Historical Continuity of the Slovak Nation


Šimenc, Marjan. (2003). Citizenship Education in Slovenia Between Past and Future


Naval et al. (2003). Civic Education in Spain: A Critical Review of Policy

Sánchez-Agustí et al.(2019). Citizenship education or civic education? A controversial issue in Spain


Sandahl et al. (2022). Samhällskunskap (social science education) in Sweden


Açıkalın, Mehmet. (2011). Current Status of Social Studies (sosyal bilgiler) Education in Turkey

Çayır, Kenan et al. (2007). The State of Citizenship Education in Turkey: Past and Present


Poznyak, Lokshyna, Zhadan. (2022). Ukraine: Social science education in Ukraine: Current state and challenges